
Who knew?

I love seeing dance in music videos. P!NK could have a second career as a Modern dancer. Maybe Pilobolus? Just sayin…
It's funny since I viewed the video, I've been hearing so many people (mostly dancers) who did not like the tone this video was creating. Some were uncomfortable with P!nk's use of dance to violently show the relationship between her and the male dancer. They were happy with the use of contemporary dance but felt it could have been stylized or choreographed a different way. The couple would throw punches, slap, push, kick and throw each other around.
I get it.
The point of ART is to make people challenge ideas and question the status quo right? Would we have preferred to have P!nk to do the same standard video with the all to revealing outfit, heels, extreme makeup etc. that we've come to expect from pop stars? Would we have just preferred a close up shot and one single tear at the end? Sounds familiar right?
I applaud her for at least thinking outside the box. She used movement to convey a very troubled and rocky relationship. One that is not always simple but just as volatile as people can be when emotions are involved. At least it got people talking.
What do you think of the video? Do you have a favorite video that incorporates dance in a unique way?

Peep the video below

1 comment:

  1. i never saw this video before. i love it. hmph to the haters. lol!
