
Slow progress is progress

Me performing with Dance Cat-alyst
Dance Magazine Interview with Troy Ogilvie
I sometimes forget how far I've come when thinking about what I have yet to accomplish in my life. Being a professional dancer is hard. IT'S HARD! There are times when I am on the brink of giving up or think I'm not good enough. There are times I think I won't "make it" and that I should just ignore my dreams. I have to remind myself why I am doing this. It was NEVER for fame or money but the sheer joy it brings me; the need to create with my body. As a child I was painfully shy and dance was the only way I could express myself. Dance has become not only how I get to structure the many thoughts and ideas in my head but it's became how I communicate with others. It's not that I want to dance, I need to. I came upon this great interview from Dance Magazine with Troy Ogilvie from Gallim Dance that re-inspired me today.
During times of doubt, what do you turn to to pick yourself back up?