Showing posts with label #nyc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #nyc. Show all posts


"The Unattainable Economics of Dancing" by Andy Horwitz

Liz Santoro and Cecilia Eliceche in Heather Kravas "A Quartet"
photo by Jenny May Peterson

I read this piece a few months back and was reminded of it this past weekend. Note to self, if an article or idea leaves an impression on you, you should bookmark it and re-read it again later. It feels like an entirely different me that read the same piece not too long ago.

Anyway, this piece discusses the all to well known reality of how hard it is to make it as a professional dancer in New York City. The staggering cost of life in the city, crippling student loan debt, too few paying projects, dance companies with little funding, an over saturated scene, administrative jobs that are still paying $15/hr (if you're "lucky") and a closed minded/incestuous "downtown" scene are just some of the problems we face.

It had me thinking of not only the problems I face as an artist but what my contributions are doing to the community itself. Every time I take a low to non paying job, am I possibly advancing my career with a new opportunity or continuing this practice of non-paid labor the norm? Do I continue to support the same 5 individuals who are currently being funded, supported, uplifted, and produced by the same community that shuns others not raised by their hands? Do I continue to take their classes and watching their performances knowing that the same can't be said for them for others not in the clique?

Do I continue starve for the sake of dance?

Everyone should read this article as it asks us to think about the roles we play in the community; good and bad.

My heart breaks....

The Unattainable Economics of Dancing"


Decadance Theatre FREE Master Class 9/20 at Hunter College

Deca is teaching a FREE Master Class this Saturday, 9/20 at Hunter College as part of their CUNY Dance Initiative Residency.
Hunter College
Hunter Hall, 6th Floor
Lexington Avenue between 68th and 69th.
Go dance!

The CUNY Dance Initiative (CDI) is a new residency program providing rehearsal and performance space to New York City choreographers and dance companies. With lead funding from the New York Community Trust, the CUNY Dance...


Petros Klampanis: CONTEXTUAL

Petros was my roommate many moons ago. I used to fall asleep to him practicing on his upright bass. 
Phenomenal musician; go see him.


New Art opportunities with Mayor-Elect Bill De Blasio Government reform?

Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet
DanceNYC Executive Director Lane Harwell writes in HuffPost Arts & Culture about opportunities for the Arts in Mayor-Elect Bill DeBlasio's One New York. He touches on affordable housing, Arts education, reliable transportation and a framework for sustainability as a city.
Thoughts on the future of Art & Culture in New York? (I know, such a general statement). 
Do you think Art reform correlates to De Blasio's vision for government transparency and encouraging New Yorkers to develop community based priorities?